#Gossip In The Greenhouse

Fun and freaky facts about books and the delights of growing your own vegetables

Originally started during the first lockdown in 2020, #GossipInTheGreenhouse was only intended as a series of four videos to give some light relief to those of you who were stuck in flats and had no outside space.

However, as the weeks progressed it became apparent that you were all enjoying the whole idea of combining fun facts about books and the growing of plants from seed. The series continued throughout the summer. I was sent seeds through the post and messages about the books I featured as well as tips to help my plants grow. I was also asked when the next season would be starting!

So four videos turned into seventeen and shortly afterwards a house move away from Leicestershire. The next series has begun from my new greenhouse in Gloucestershire – you can start watching them here. In the meantime, you can catch up with the first series here.

Episode 1

I introduce the occupants of my greenhouse and a new publication from Goldcrest Books

Episode 2

How things have grown. A children’s book to entertain during lockdown.

Episode 3

A new addition to the greenhouse plus gossip about probably the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.

Episode 4

Two Goldcrest Books publications and a new addition to the greenhouse. There’s also something for those of you with a sunny windowsill.

Plus find out which childhood book could be worth thousands of pounds.

Episode 5

More additions to the greenhouse and some departures. Plus the story behind a beautiful poetry book as well as two more Goldcrest Books publications.

Episode 6

A children’s book of fun facts about birds and news about the British writer who wrote the most books in the 20th Century. Catch up with the plants too – will the runner beans be sprouting?!

Episode 7

A book about travel and emotions – just right for these times. Plus more news on the runner beans and the other occupants.

And three unusual author deaths!

Episode 8

Find out how the plants are doing. The featured book has a lot to do with art, cake and romance. Plus what is the connection between books and motorways.

Episode 9

Find out how fast the fastest reader reads and take a walk outside the greenhouse with me to catch up with the sprouts and my pop-up greenhouse.

Did I get the lime tree in the greenhouse?

Episode 10

Find out what the smallest book in the world is and catch up on how the book launch went.

Plus have the new lot of runner beans germinated yet?

Hopefully some news on the up and coming Goldcrest Books publication to help raise money for charity.

Episode 11

Find out how many people it takes to read the largest book in the world.

Plus a few new additions to the greenhouse and catching up with the rest of the garden.

Also find out about an author who has just released her third book in three years with Goldcrest Books.

Episode 12

This week there is some exciting news about the loofahs, but also some not so good news.

The books this week include another new release from Goldcrest Books which is raising money for the Covid-19 fund. Plus a topical novel recommendation.

Also learn about the book with the most alternative endings and come out into the garden (in the rain!) with me and see what’s happened to the new raised bed.

Episode 13

This week find out about the author who typed up his manuscript with just two fingers. And also the hospital that has ties to a famous book.

Plus a cover reveal for a new book coming soon and a book to help combat anxiety and low self-esteem.

And, of course, the plants – how are the loofahs? And what happened when I went digging in my veg patch.

Episode 14

This week find out about the famous book that nearly wasn’t!

Plus a book raising money for CALM.

And, of course, the plants – how are the loofahs? And what’s happening with the cucumbers?

Episode 15

This week find out about the rather strange cleaning crew in a library

Plus a weather related book that I have had in my own book collection for a while

And, of course, the plants. Find out how they are growing and what I have been doing with the produce.

Episode 16

This week is dedicated to my father who passed away recently. He loved his garden too.

Plus there is another cover reveal for a new book coming out soon

There are two surprises, neither have anything to do with books or plants.

And the plants – what has been happening?

Episode 17

This week is a little different and shorter.

Who was the author who got a year’s wages as a gift from friends and in that year wrote an iconic book.

Plus I shall be talking rhubarb.

UPDATE: This week turned out to be the last of the series.  I didn’t feel able to carry on after the death of my father and needed some time away from social media generally. I also took time to sell my house in Leicestershire and buy my lovely new home in Gloucestershire. I am looking forward to chatting to you from a new greenhouse in the future for Series 2.

Start watching Series 2 here

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